How to Protect your Cloud Hosting Server from Hackers?
June 19093030p30://333.2019-06-19T09:49:30+00:00092019201930+00:00am0000003030496f49Wed, 19 Jun 2019 09:49:30 +00003030.2019-06-19T09:49:30+00:00201906 2019
The security of the website and data is the biggest concern of most site owners. The website getting hacked is probably the worst nightmare and most businesses take a lot of precaution and deploy several tools to keep hackers away from their website. In this article we will offer some tips to help you protect your Cloud Hosting Server from hackers.
Local Backups
As the old adage goes ‘Precaution is better than cure’ a local backup is an important precaution that helps you safeguard your data on the Cloud Hosting Server. Most hackers manipulate the data leading to the loss of important files and information. A local backup ensures that in case your website is hacked you have a copy of your data which can be restored immediately.
Sensitive Data Management
If possible avoid keeping sensitive data like personally identifiable information (PII) on your Cloud Hosting server. In case of a hacking attack such information in the wrong hands can have legal and reputational repercussions. Unless absolutely necessary avoid storing such information on the cloud server. Also if you have to then ensure that you deploy the best security measures to keep it away from cyber-miscreants.