Understanding Multiple Domain Hosting

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Consider that you have a blog which is gathering a lot of traffichttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com helping you monetise your bloghttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com and now you want to host another site to sell your services. You might think that you need to do all the prep work again. Andhttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com you are reluctant in doing so. The next thing you do is try to solve the budget problem and make sure you don’t suffer on the grounds of performance. In such caseshttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com multiple domain hosting comes into the picture. In this articlehttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com we will understand the need for multiple domain hosting and how can you opt for it.

Multiple web hosting services like VPS Hosting or Cloud web hosting offer you the option of extending your present server capacity from one domain to multiple domains. You need to understand the offerings of the plan and check if multiple domains are supported by it.

Let us dive-in the details of multiple domain hosting.

What is Multiple Domain Hosting?

Multiple domain hosting allows you to host various websites on one single web hosting account. You don’t need to own different hosting accounts for different websites. Bringing everything under one roof can help you not only minimise the overall cost of your hosting but will also help you manage separate accounts through one central location.

Multiple domain hosting saves you time as well as money. Since a single hosting account can now take care of your multiple domainshttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com you can easily administer it from the same single place.

The number of domains that a server can host is different for different hosting providers. Some of the servers offer unlimited domain hostinghttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com and some others might restrict the number of sites to host. Here are some of the features you must check before you choose a multiple domain hosting:

  1. It should have easy add-on domain management within its cPanel.
  2. It should be able to add multiple IP addresses.
  3. Check for unlimited email accounts for multiple domains.
  4. It should be able to add a subdomain to an existing domain name.
  5. SSL certificate should be available for your websites.

Stand out features of Multiple Domain Hosting

Choices tend to confuse us at a major levelhttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com and if you don’t want thathttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com it is essential to keep in mind the following aspects.

  • Number of domains

Check out for the number of domains offered by your hosting provider and choose the one that is right for you. Some of them provide unlimited domain hostinghttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com and some of them limit the number of domains that can be hosted.

  • Bandwidth

Different websites might need different bandwidths tallied together for your account. If one of your sites is doing exceptionally well and taking up the majority of your bandwidthhttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com you might need to purchase more bandwidth. Hencehttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com make sure that you estimate your bandwidth requirements righthttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com so you don’t spend extra bucks on your web hosting even if it crosses the threshold.

  • Storage

Your website files are going to take up considerable space on your server. More the number of websites or domainshttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com more space is acquired on the server. Hencehttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com check for the file size of your sites to be hosted and then select a hosting that fits best for your requirements.

Benefits of Multiple Domain Hosting

The three significant benefits of multiple domain hosting are as follows:

  • Cost

Cost-effectiveness is one of the most critical aspects of multiple domain hosting. The overall cost of the multiple domains hosting may be way more expensive than single domain hostinghttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com but stillhttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com when you carefully analyse the situationhttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com you would find multiple domain hosting a cost-friendly option for your needs.

  • Management

Multiple domain hosting helps you manage all your websites from one single administrator account. This wayhttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com you don’t have to worry about maintaining multiple accounts for handling different domains. You can manage all of them from one place.

Multiple domain hosting is not just any hosting service provided for website owners. It is more of a complete package. It gives you the ability to centrally manage multiple websites thathttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com in turnhttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com saves timehttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com moneyhttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com and efforts. Alsohttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com proper research on bandwidth and storage resourceshttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com offered by your web hosthttps://www.chooseaustinfirst.com can take the performance of your sites to another level.